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CFEE conducts ​study travel projects for California's elected and appointed officials, as well as members of the Board of Directors that include labor, business, local government and environmental leaders.


CFEE's international delegations provide education and experiential insights on some of California's most pressing policy challenges by facilitating the exchange of ideas with leaders around the globe. Each trip focuses on sharing information and best practices to learn from successes (and failures), as well as forging new relationships to benefit trade and transfers of technologies. Delegates also benefit from a variety of industry meetings, on-site visits, tours and briefings.

These sub-national diplomatic missions enable California to stay at the forefront of policy leadership while strengthening our connections with peer nations around the world.

Questions? Email Kirsten Kakarigi


UNITED KINGDOM: Climate Impacts on Home Insurance, Port Development and Offshore Wind, Zero Carbon Nuclear Power, and Sustainable Aviation Fuel


FRANCE: Nuclear Power, High Speed Rail, Low Carbon Farming, Decarbonizing Aviation, Shipping & Heavy Industries

DENMARK: Offshore Wind Energy, Low Carbon Farming, Carbon Capture, Biofuels & E-fuels, and the Role of Labor


JAPAN: Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Cell Technology, High Speed Rail, Nuclear Power, and Affordable Housing

ICELAND: Direct Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Geothermal Energy, Food Security in Farming and Fishing, & Women Empowerment


PORTUGAL: Offshore Wind Energy, Carbon Border Adjustments, Drug Decriminalization, Carbon Neutrality and Electric Vehicles as Batteries for Electricity Grid


MEXICO: Cross-Border Water Pollution, Forestry Management and Carbon Offsets, Energy Transition, Delivery of Municipal Services (2019)

SWITZERLAND & FRANCE: Carbon Capture, Pumped Hydroelectric Storage, Hydrogen Energy, Climate Health Impacts and Vaccine Hesitancy, Labor Transition to Clean Economy (2019)

CHILE: Clean Energy & Grid Modernization, Resilient Infrastructure & Emergency Preparedness, Sustainable Water & Natural Resources Management (2018)

THE NETHERLANDS: Flood Management, Infrastructure, Climate Change (2018)

THE UK, FINLAND & IRELAND: Retail Energy Competition, Renewable Energy Integration, Traffic Congestion Pricing, Mobility as a Service (2017)

GERMANY & THE CZECH REPUBLIC: Renewable Energy Integration, Grid Reliability, The Future of Mobility Services (2016)


AUSTRALIA: Water Resources, Information & Communication Tech., Infrastructure, Climate Change (2016)


AUSTRALIA: Water Resources, Climate Change, Infrastructure (2015)


SINGAPOREResources, Information and Communication Technologies, Climate Change, Infrastructure (2015)


CHILE: Energy and Infrastructure (2014)


CANADA: Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies, Alternative Delivery and Finances of Transportation

Infrastructure (2014)


SWEDEN & NORWAY: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Energy from Waste (EFW), Energy Efficiency Technologies, and Long-term Nuclear Waste Storage (2013)


POLAND: Status of European Climate Programs, Renewable Energy and Stability of Electricity Transmission Grid, Structure of Regional Energy Markets, Transition from Coal to Natural Gas via Hydraulic Fracturing (2013)


BRAZIL: California Low-Carbon Fuel Standards and the Role of Brazilian Ethanol and other Biofuels, Advanced "Smart Cities" Technologies, the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Program and the Cap & Trade Program (2012)


ITALY: Regulatory Structure, Renewable Energy, Smart Meters, Natural Gas Vehicles (2011)


UK & IRELAND: Public Private Partnerships, Water, and Waste-to-Energy Projects (2011)


SPAIN: Renewable Energy, Infrastructure, Public Private Partnerships, Desalination, Rail (2010)


CANADA: Renewables & Clean Energy Technology, Public Infrastructure Projects (2010)



CHINA & HONG KONG: Advanced Energy, Low Carbon Vehicle, Public Private Partnerships, Broadband Technologies (2009)


NEW ZEALAND & AUSTRALIA: Climate Change Issues Regarding Water, Energy and Transportation Infrastructure (2008)


SPAIN: Water, High Speed Rail, Public Private Partnerships (2008)


SOUTH AFRICA: Energy, Public Private Partnerships (2007)


JAPAN: Telecommunications & Energy (2007)


THE NETHERLANDS & IRELAND: Infrastructure & Public Private Partnerships (2006)


BRAZIL, ARGENTINA & CHILE: Renewable Energy Technologies (2006)


BELGIUM, GERMANY, DENMARK & IRELAND: Renewable Energy Technologies (2005)


ITALY: Transportation Infrastructure and Renewable Energy (2004)


SOUTH KOREA & AUSTRALIA: Liquefied Natural Gas (2004)


FRANCE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, GERMANY, AUSTRIA & HUNGARY: Energy Colloquium, Liquefied Natural Gas and Water Policy (2003)


BERLIN, THE HAGUE & PARIS: Transportation and Sustainable Growth (2002)


CHINA & INNER MONGOLIA: Environmental and Energy Technologies Trade Delegation (2001)


SOUTH AFRICA: Natural Resources, Energy and Telecommunications (2000)

(415) 788-1786

Pier 35, Suite 202 San Francisco, CA 94133

920 11th St Sacramento, CA 95814

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