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What is CFEE's mission?​


CFEE brings together leadership from the labor, environmental, local government, and business communities with elected and appointed officials to facilitate non-partisan, substantive, and productive dialogue that moves the needle on fundamental environmental and economic issues in California. We make California a better place to live and be successful


What is CFEE's policy focus?


CFEE concentrates on long-term, large-scale infrastructure and policy challenges confronting the State of California. Priority topics include energy, housing, telecommunications & technologytransportationwater and the circular economy.

What is the format of CFEE's events?


CFEE creates a multi-sector discussion, around a hollow square format to create an environment in which every participant is engaged and able to interact with others at the table. Each session begins with a series of very short presentations that are designed to define the issue, present facts, and point out areas of concern. Comments and observations are limited in length to promote dynamic interactive discussions as well as to prevent long diversions.

Each agenda typically contains three to five discussion sessions focused on the different dimensions of the main topic. As a 501c3 nonprofit, CFEE does not address specific legislation. Rather, the forums concentrate on the broad public policy complexities of statewide issues.


What is the focus of the steering committee?


The steering committee is composed of CFEE Board members with experience in the subject area, plus other experts from the sector. The steering committee is structured to represent a diversity of stakeholder groups, the same principle employed at the conferences. The steering committee designs the conference agenda to be reflective of current policy dilemmas facing the state as a whole.

How are CFEE's events funded?


CFEE is funded by our large and diverse board of directors. No source contributes more than two percent of our total budget. In addition, CFEE solicits contributions from the public and private sector, labor, and environmental participants on an ability-to-pay basis. Many public sector participants, as well as community and consumer leaders, are either hosted or pay their own way.

(415) 788-1786

Pier 35, Suite 202 San Francisco, CA 94133

920 11th St Sacramento, CA 95814

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