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Since 1979, the California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy (CFEE) has connected labor, business, local government and environmental leaders with elected officials and policymakers to facilitate solutions-oriented and nonpartisan dialogue on California's fundamental challenges


Discussion forums and study travel projects focused on energy, water, housing, transportation, telecommunications & technology, and the circular economy are designed to maximize engagement and collaboration to move the needle on complex public policy

CFEE has convened more than 160 domestic policy conferences, 60 international study tours, and hundreds of workshops, meetings, and seminars. We make California a better place to live and be successful.

Leon panetta

Leon Panetta

Former Secretary of Defense

and Chairman, Panetta Institute

of Public Policy

“CFEE is an important organization that fulfills a critical public policy goal – nonpartisan engagement and discussions on energy and environmental issues essential to a prosperous California."

fiona ma

Fiona Ma

California State Treasurer

"If you're a policymaker or an elected official seeking to learn more about the state's core challenges and how to pragmatically pursue viable solutions, CFEE is an indispensable resource."

Ralph Cavanagh

Ralph Cavanaugh

Natural Resources Defense Council

"If there's any complex and seemingly intractable threat to California’s environment and economy that would not benefit from CFEE’s engagement, I've never encountered it.”

laura friedman

Laura Friedman

California State Assemblymember

"CFEE adds value by bringing together different groups that normally aren't at the same table."

CFEE's 40+ Year Impact

(415) 788-1786

Pier 35, Suite 202 San Francisco, CA 94133

920 11th St Sacramento, CA 95814

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