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To advance consensus among Californians on the frontier of decision making, CFEE:

  1. Convenes two-day, roundtable conferences focused on building relationships and educating participants on the core policy challenges of energy, housing, telecommunications & technology, transportation and water

  2. Leads international study travel projects to identify best practices, forge new relationships, exchange insights and bring lessons to California focused around CFEE’s core policy priorities


Telecommunications & Technology Conference

Saddle Up! How to Keep Ahold of the Reins Without Breaking Stride (August 8-9)

Questions? Email Kirsten Kakarigi

Please review our COVID-19 protocol for in-person gatherings here


Energy | Housing | Telecommunications & Technology | Transportation

 Water |Circular EconomyInternational Study Projects

(415) 788-1786

Pier 35, Suite 202 San Francisco, CA 94133

920 11th St Sacramento, CA 95814

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